Visual experiences that simply flow.
Video, Demos, Events and more.


We're falling in love with brands every day.

More and more, we define ourselves by the brands we adore. When you get it right, the reward can be customer loyalty, which leads to word of mouth and more customer advocates.

Together we'll put your customer right out in front where they belong. We'll build value with every touch point, with every sip, and every chug — every… single… interaction.

See the Work

01 Story

As modern experience creators, job-one is to form 1:1 connections that delight and inspire people. Fluidty delivers experiences consistently, both digitally and in person. Customers will recommend your brand to their colleagues, family and friends, because we'll have earned a strong and lasting relationship with them. At the heart of interactions like these are relevant stories that connect deeply, and make people want hear from your brand more often.

02 The process

We're happy take the reins using one of our amazing professional production teams, or guide you to independently develop video and digital experiences and put them to work with content strategies to fit your audience. We'll cover every angle from discovery, through concepts and final execution and distribution.

03 The Tools

Fluidity creates visually compelling branded stories that speak to your customers in meaningful ways. We develop customer and partner experiences, as well as product demos and event content. These efforts often center around trade shows and product launches. Ask us how to white label your video demo or case study for the partners in your network. To get there, we'll concept, write, design, iterate and repeat with the best tools and resources in the biz.

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Google Suite Development
  • A global network of incredible writers, producers, illustrators and designers
  • Black Magic 6K Cinema
  • RED 4K Cinema
  • Canon C300 HD Cinema
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe Audition
  • A global network of talented video production partners

Brands we've worked with

The Work



B2B Partner Stories

Google | Genesys | Oracle | Tata (use arrow to watch)

Product Launch Example

Watch this example, please tap the arrow


Watch this collection, please tap the arrow

Customer Stories

Watch this collection, please tap the arrow


Watch this collection, please tap the arrow


Watch this collection, please tap the arrow

Got a project? Let's talk.

Contact us


Fluidity helps you build your brand by bringing to life your unique visual story.

Our teams work to make sense of the underlying technologies and mass amounts of data that businesses often encounter in the cloud-based economy. Our passion is for telling compelling brand stories, but always through the lens of your customer. Some call it empathy, and we believe your brand will benefit when customers are inspired enough become your advocate. This is our goal every time we put pen to paper, and start the cameras rolling.


Branded Experiences

Fluidity works with you to put the customer first while holding onto your cultural values and market aesthetics. We'll find the best ways to channel your budget and build awareness across a range of initiatives and avenues.


Video Production

Fluidity works with some of the best production houses in the world, and can jump at a moments notice to wherever your story may begin to unfold. With access to top notch, cinema quality gear, unparalleled writers, producers and editors, as well as musicians, and story artists we’ll bring your products and services to life.



Show how it gets done with a product demo. Fluidity creates straight-forward video demos with a passive linear path to completion, as well as persona driven interactive experiences suitable for use on stage during your event keynote. Ask us how to make your product stand out at launch!


Events and Product Launches

In these tough times, it's hard to believe we'll ever come together again to celebrate the products and services we all love. But we have hope, and more importantly, a plan. If your event is in person, or exclusively online, Fluidity has the resources to help you build your narrative, connect with your audience and get butts in seats, even if they are behind a screen. We've got the tools and expertise to deliver every aspect of your event from logistics, to delivery and post event followup and materials.


Marketing Personas

Build a believable faux brand in order to model your advertising and marketing rolls and even your customers. At Fluidity, we go beyond plunking numbers into a matrix to create a set of rules for each character. We build completely functional demos for each character to run, and interact with. Your product launch team or your marketing teams will both benefit, adding to the use cases over time.


Customer Stories

Let your customers tell your story for you. Our production teams have the expereince you need to plan and coordinate story development and filming with your customers. Your greatest advocates are the onse earned through a great customer experience. Let Fluidity help you channel this good energy into brand acurrate stories that will deliever even more brand equity.

Trusted production partners


Let's Connect.

Social Media